Implementation of procedures

Find out how you can raise awareness among your constituents through administrative and criminal proceduresprocédures administratives (et non pénales).

Un agent de police regardent  deux écrans qui affichent des vidéos de dépôts de déchets.Un agent de police regardent  deux écrans qui affichent des vidéos de dépôts de déchets.

Observe abandoned waste to raise awareness and protect

Today, municipal police can observe illegal dumping using video footage and launch procedures (1).

Thanks to the Vizzia system, they can send, to the Mayor or the Prosecutor, a report containing the necessary evidence: image of the deposit and license plates of the offender.

This observation may give rise to criminal proceedings (2) or administrative proceedings (3) depending on the choice made by the community.

1- Article L251-2 of the Internal Security Code. 2- Articles R.632-1 and 635-8 of the Criminal Code. 3- Article L541-3 of the Environmental Code.
Des déchets imposants sont disposés au bord d'une route.Des déchets imposants sont disposés au bord d'une route.

Administrative process

In this context, article L541-3 of the Environmental Code, allows the polluter to be asked to present his written or oral observations, to apply an administrative fine of up to €15,000, and to put him on notice for restore the premises.

This administrative sanction can be implemented by the Mayor or the President of the EPCI within the framework of their special administrative police powers.

Photographie de deux personnes qui génèrent des amendes sur papiers.Deux agents écrivent sur une feuille.

Advantages of the administrative procedure

  • The entire procedure is managed by the community under the special authority of the mayor in matters of waste.
  • All administrative fines go to the community. creating a virtuous polluter-pays policy.
  • In 2019, the AGEC law adopted an “immediate” administrative fine, i.e. before formal notice, of a maximum amount of 15,000 euros: the community can therefore pick up the waste and launch the procedure afterwards. *
*See TITLE III bis: FIGHT AGAINST ILLEGAL DEPOSITS of parliamentary debates, Articles 12 AA with this link.

Observe infractions and identify offenders

  • Wild waste deposited using a vehicle :

    The officer collects proof of the deposit and identifies the offender by his or her license plate.

    As part of their mission, municipal police officers may consult the SIV file in order to use license plates to identify polluters (L330-2 4° of the Highway Code and R330-2 4° of the Highway Code).

    The law now allows pecuniary liability of the vehicle owner in matters of illegal dumping, contrary to the principle of driver liability in road matters (article L121-2 of the Highway Code), which facilitates the identification of polluters using a vehicle.
A computer screen showing a car driving down a dirt road with a zoom a video surveillance on the car plate.Un écran avec des images d'une plaque d'immatriculation d'une voiture.
Un tas d'ordures sur le bord d'une route.Des déchets imposants sont disposés au bord d'une route.
  • Abandoned waste by a pedestrian :

    In addition, and in accordance with articles L172-4 and L171-4, sworn agents may collect additional elements to the identification on site and write a Report on administrative breach if the identity of the polluter is known.

    The observation can also make it possible to organize Flagrance operations on preferential slots or days in order to raise awareness among polluters.

Automatically generate administrative procedures

Trois écrans d'ordinateur affichant la plateforme Vizzia en 3 étapes.Trois écrans d'ordinateur avec les différentes interfaces de la plateforme Vizzia.
  • Procedural progress
    des procédures
  • Automatic document generation
  • Completion of information: filing, ticket and report
Un officier de police et une femme officier regardant une tablette.Deux policiers tiennent une tablette afin d'utiliser la plateforme Vizzia.

People who can access the images and see the deposits

  • The mayor and his deputies/president of the EPCI
  • Municipal police officers and field guards
  • Authorized and sworn agents (article L541-44-1 of the Environmental Code or under the Public Health Code).
  • The agents in charge of administrative control declared in the prefectural application not specifically sworn

Any questions?

Is to possible to use videosurveillance against illegal dumping of waste?
What method to reduce illegal deposits?
How can the perpetrators of illegal dumping be sanctioned and fined?
How to implement administrative sanctions? What legal framework?
How much do illegal deposits cost communities?

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